Fishing Idaho's Lime Creek

Trout Fishing Lime Creek

(June 7th, 2012) This trip was to a creek that I suspect few fishermen venture to even though it’s not too far from Mountain Home, Idaho. There are a few minor obstacles to overcome if you wish to tread where not many have gone. The road to the trailhead and the trail down to Lime Creek might be a sticking point. Read on to find out what it’s like down there.

Fishing Idaho's Lime Creek

Getting to NFS Trailhead 193
I chose to park just off Anderson Reservoir Road and head to the trailhead on my Arctic Cat ATV. This isn’t completely necessary but it gave me the opportunity to explore a few places after the hike if I wished. Just a word to the wise, the dirt road called NFS #181A to the trailhead is rather narrow, rutted in places and in places susceptible to rock falls onto the road. Still, the road is suitable for any high clearance vehicle.

From Trout Fishing Lime Creek

The directions from Anderson Reservoir Road are pretty straight forward:

  • At the intersection of Anderson Reservoir Road and High Prairie Road (coordinates 43.368145, -115.239203) make a left onto Moores Flat Road or NFS Road 181.
  • Continue on NFS Road 181 for about 4-5 miles until you see the left onto NFS Road 181A.
  • Continue on NFS Road 181A until it dead ends.

The Steep Hike Down to Lime Creek
Where NFS Road 181A ends, NFS Trail 193 begins. This is a short but rather steep trail that heads straight down to Lime Creek. Be aware motorcycles and horses are allowed on this trail. And it appears as if horse traffic is the main mode of transportation down to the creek.

From Trout Fishing Lime Creek

The 2nd half of this steep trail actually parallels a semi-annual creek and occasionally is part of the creek. But even after some recent rains, this small creek was completely dry. But in the early season I’d say you might want to avoid NFS Trail 193 if you are hiking.

The Lime Creek Area
The Lime Creek area is quite lush, green and beautiful. There are plenty of cool grassy camping spots if you decided to spend the night here. The creek itself was easily “wadeable” in many place when I was down there. But creek gradient sure doesn’t support many pools or calm areas to wade through.

From Trout Fishing Lime Creek

There is an old pack bridge over Lime Creek but it is “posted” as closed. The decking of the bridge seems a little iffy and I suspect that is the reason it’s closed. I didn’t chance using the bridge but my hiking companion wasn’t as cautious.

At the pack bridge the trail splits. NFS Trail 630 head northwest away from Lime Creek and NFS Trail 193 follows Lime Creek upstream for about ½ miles before leaving the creek behind. I traveled on both trails for a short distance. The only thing you need to know is it beautiful down there.

From Trout Fishing Lime Creek

Fishing Lime Creek
First things first. I caught 2 trout on this trip. The biggest one measured in at close to 4 inches long. Obviously the other fish was smaller. I had a few nibbles and following fish but none that were quite as big as the one I caught 🙂

Lime Creek, at least in the area and time that I was there, is a tough fish. The swift current and lack of any sizable pools isn’t exactly suitable for ultra-light spinning gear. But it was fun and challenging casting into small eddies knowing tree branches were just itching to grab my lure before it hit the water.

What was that? You asked, was it worth the effort to hike down into Lime Creek just to catch 2 minnows trout? Well, of course it was. I’m already planning on another trip down there in mid-July. Maybe as the stream flow decreases, some nice pools will be there for me. And even if I don’t catch any trout, who cares…the experience alone is worth the effort. This is one area that requires more than one visit just for its scenic setting.

Interactive Map of NFS Trail 193 and Lime Creek

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The Stats for the Hike

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