Some Ignorant Idaho Voters

24% of Idaho Voters Voted for an Unwilling Candidate Mike Crawford

“I’m frankly not that dissatisfied with Mike Simpson as my congressman. By and large he’s done an O.K. Job for this State.” – Mike Crawford, 2010 Democratic Candidate for Idaho’s 2nd Congressional District

What The Heck Idaho
Can you believe almost 25% of all Idaho 2nd Congressional District voters decided to vote for a man who does not want to be your Congressman. That’s right almost 50,000 Idaho voters cast a ballot for Mike Crawford. And of those 50,000 votes almost 1,000 of them came from Elmore County voters. We’ve all heard of elections where candidates who are currently in jail get elected. Or the election were a dead person won the election. But these elections took place in “other States”. This is Idaho for Pete’s sake and we’re better than this. How does this happen? Why does this happen?

Some Ignorant Idaho Voters

A Quote That Fits This Insane Situation
“you got some ‘splainin’ to do” Idaho – Ricky Ricardo from the 1960’s TV show, I Love Lucy.

Ignorant Idaho Voters? Some, Not All
Look, I get it. Not all 50,000 Idaho votes for Mike Crawford were made out of complete ignorance. Some were likely “protest votes” or votes “to send a message”. But my guess is a majority of votes cast for a man who didn’t want to be your Congressman came from lazy voters who couldn’t be bothered to do some research. Just ask yourself, would you want a unwilling Congressman, your Congressman, voting for things like “Should we go to war with country X?”. Do you want this unwilling congressman in Washington voting “Aye” to a 50% tax increase?

What I though was a good quote from George Jean Nathan may need to be modified for this situation.
“Bad officials are elected by good citizens who do not vote [or make uneducated votes].”

Who Mike Crawford?
I don’t know Mike but he is from Mountain Home, Idaho so he must be a good guy. In reality, this article has nothing to do with Mike Crawford. The Democratic Party basically talked him into being a “placeholder” for the election. He had no intention of running a campaign or even trying to whip up on Congressman Simpson. What I’m trying to say is I have nothing against this citizen and it turns out he became my “placeholder” for this article. In short, the names WERE NOT changed to protect the innocent.

If you voted for Mike Crawford for the Second Congressional District, leave a comment about why you voted for a man who didn’t want nor need this “job”. I’m just curious.

Tim Bondy

The Bondyweb.Com author

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