Vote for Nelson and Mayne for WECRD directors

Vote for Judy Mayne and Art Nelson for WECRD Directors

Vote for Nelson and Mayne for WECRD directors

November 2nd, 2010 is our time to take control of our country, state and city. I am throwing my full support behind Art Nelson and Judy Mayne for the Western Elmore County Recreation District director positions for this coming general election. We need good, strong leadership and common sense for this elected position…for all positions and offices.

I talked to Art Nelson about one week ago on the phone. Even being an eternal skeptic when it comes to all things political, I felt Art might just be the breath of fresh air the WECRD needs. Then I spent some quality time talking to both Art Nelson and Judy Mayne at the Mountain Home Fall Harvest Festival. They made a believer out of me in just a few short minutes.

Why Vote for Art and Judy?
These two individuals have a plan!!! A plan that could benefit all Mountain Home residents within 12-18 months. A plan that puts recreation first and all the old grand plans in the waste basket. A plan that will give us the recreation that was promised to us. A plan that will likely come in either on budget or maybe, something unheard of these days…under budget? But a plan that makes sense and is obtainable! In short, I think Art and Judy will effectively utilize our tax dollars and get things done efficiently and quickly.

As of the post time of this article, Art and Judy were just putting together their website. I’m sure in the coming days more information about their plans, objectives and vision will be all laid out for you to read. If not, e-mail them and get the story first hand.
Web Address:

General election WECRD sample ballot 2010 Idaho

Vote for Judy Mayne and Art Nelson and throw the old and moldy politicians to the curb this November.

Tim Bondy
The Bondyweb.Com author

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