Mountain Home's Voter Guide for the Idaho Governor and his Cabinet

Idaho Executive Branch Candidates for the 2010 General Election

Mountain Home’s Guide to the Candidates for the 2010 General Election of the Idaho Executive Branch

Mountain Home's Voter Guide for the Idaho Governor and his Cabinet

The entire Idaho Executive Branch of government is up for grabs in the 2010 General Election. The way I see it, the people of Mountain Home will be voting for Idaho’s President and his/her cabinet. Another way of looking at it could also be we are electing the Idaho CEO and Board of Directors this coming November 2nd, 2010. These candidates have agreed to take on the awesome responsibility of making sure the political, financial, legal, education system and business of Idaho runs smoothly.

4 Questions the Candidates Need to Answer Before Getting My Vote
1. How will you best represent my needs and the needs of Idaho?
2. Do you care enough to visit Mountain Home to personally introduce yourself to our citizens?
3. How do you stand on the issues?
4. Why do you think you are qualified to to help run the State of Idaho.

List of Candidates for Governor of Idaho

Idaho Governor Candidates
Political Party Candidate Mail Address Website
Democrat Keith Allred  PO Box 768 Boise ID 83701 Yes
Independent Jana Kemp  PO Box 8045 Boise ID 83707 Yes
Independent Pro-Life  Box 5 Letha ID 83636 Yes
Libertarian Ted Dunlap  2950 McDermott Rd Kuna ID 83634 Yes
Republican “Butch” Otter * 1009 Star Road Star ID 83669 Yes
Last Updated: 6 August 2010

Other Information About Idaho’s Governorship
Plain Language Title: President of Idaho
Branch of Government: Executive
Governors Pay: $111,989.00
Term of Office: 4 years

Duties of the Governor of Idaho:
The governor is vested with the supreme executive power. He appoints department heads and members of boards and commissions. The governor issues executive orders which have the force and effect of law. The governor drafts and recommends a budget to the state legislature. On extraordinary occasions the governor can convene special sessions of the legislature. He must give final approval, by signing bills passed by the legislature. He has the power to veto bills but must list his objections. The legislature can override a veto by a two-thirds vote of each chamber. The governor is commander-in-chief of the military forces, except when they are called into actual service of the United States. He is President of the Board of Examiners and Chairman of the Board of Land Commissioners.

List of Candidates for Lieutenant Governor of Idaho

Idaho Lieutenant Governor Candidates
Constitution Paul Venable  PO Box 695 Parma ID 83660 Yes
Democrat Eldon Wallace  1107 South Broxon Street Boise ID 83705 Yes
Republican Brad Little * 903 E Main St Emmett ID 83617 Yes
Last Updated: 3 August 2010

Other Information About Idaho’s Lieutenant Governorship
Plain Language Title: Idaho’s “Just in Case” Governor
Branch of Government: Executive
Lieutenant Governors Pay: $29,515.00
Term of Office : 4 years

Duties of the Lieutenant Governor of Idaho:
Presides over the Senate, stands first in line of succession to the Governor, and is Acting Governor when the Governor is physically outside the state or otherwise unable to serve. Elected constitutional official, Article IV, Section 1. Title 67, Chapter 8, Idaho Code.

List of Candidates for Idaho’s Secretary of State

Idaho Secretary of State Candidates
Political Party Candidate Mail Address Website
Democrat Mack Sermon  13796 Mariposa Street Caldwell ID 83607 NO
Republican Ben Ysursa * 5355 Waterwheel Boise ID 83703 NO
Last Updated: 2 August 2010

Other Information About Idaho’s Secretary of State
Plain Language Title: Idaho’s Jack of All Trades No One Else Wanted
Branch of Government: Executive
Secretary of State Pay: $91,025.00
Term of Office: 4 years

Duties of the Idaho’s Secretary of State:
Member of Board of Land Commissioners, Board of Examiners, chairman of the Board of Canvassers; Chief Elections Officer; keeper of the Great Seal of the State. Prepares the Session Laws, file all bills of the Legislature, file proclamations, Executive Orders of the Governor, extraditions, tort claims, and miscellaneous legislative and executive documents. As Chief Elections Officer, he administers the election laws, compiles and publishes the election laws and election calendar, certifies abstracts of votes from counties, and issues certificates of election. Administers the “Sunshine Law” for campaign financing and lobbyist activity disclosure. The Secretary of State’s office files articles of incorporation, Uniform Commercial Code financing statements, trademarks, service marks and notary public appointments.

List of Candidates for Idaho’s State Controller

Idaho State Controller Candidates
Political Party Candidate Mail Address Website
Democrat Bruce Robinett  5351 N Maidstone Way Boise ID 83713 Yes
Republican Donna Jones * PO Box 323 Payette ID 83661 Yes
Last Updated: 6 August 2010

Other Information About Idaho’s State Controller
Plain Language Title: Idaho’s Paymaster
Branch of Government: Executive
Idaho State Controller’s: $91,025.00
Term of Office: 4 years

Duties of the Idaho State Controller:
The State Controller is the chief fiscal officer of state government and manages Idaho’s fiscal affairs which include paying all obligations of the state, paying all state employees, as well as maintaining the centralized fifinancial management reporting and accounting systems. She is the ex-officio Secretary of the Board of Examiners, a member of the Board of Land Commissioners, and serves on the Board of Canvassers. She also manages the state’s central Computer Service Center, sits as a member of the Information Technology Resource Management Council (ITRMC), and serves as an advisor to the Commissioners of the Idaho Housing and Finance Association, as well as advisor to the Commissioners of the Idaho Food Quality Assurance Institute and administrator of State Social Security Programs.

The ONLY Candidate for Idaho’s State Treasurer

Idaho State Treasurer Candidate
Republican Ron Crane * 552 Bayhill Dr Nampa ID 83686 Sort of…
Last Updated: 29 July 2010

Other Information About Idaho’s State Treasurer
Plain Language Title: Idaho’s Banker
Branch of Government: Executive
Idaho State Treasurer: $91,025.00
Term of Office: 4 years

Duties of the Idaho State Teasurer:
The State Treasurer operates as the central chief fiscal officer and banker of monies collected by Idaho. The Treasurer is responsible for managing more than $3 billion dollars. The Treasurer’s Office also acts as the state’s bank, receiving and disbursing all monies. The Office invests idle state monies and funds for local government and state agencies. The Idaho State Treasurer’s Office also administers the Idaho Millennium Fund, the College Savings Program and the Idaho Prime Loan Program.

The ONLY Candidate for Idaho’s Attorney General of Idaho

Idaho Attorney General Candidate
Republican Lawrence Wasden*  811 Heartland Dr Nampa ID 83686 Yes
Last Updated: 15 July 2010

Other Information About Idaho’s Attorney General of Idaho
Plain Language Title: Idaho’s Lead Lawyer
Branch of Government: Executive
Attorney General Pay: $100,955.00
Term of Office: 4 years

Duties of the Idaho Attorney General:
The Attorney General is Idaho’s chief legal officer and is responsible for advising and representing all state officers and agencies in legal matters. He issues official written opinions on important legal questions at the request of designated government officials. He represents the State of Idaho in all federal and state courts, including all criminal appellate work. In addition to his legal duties, he serves as a member of the State Board of Land Commissioners and the State Board of Examiners.

List of Candidate for Superintendent of Public Instruction of Idaho

Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction Candidate
Political Party Candidate Mail Address Website
Democrat Stan Olson  2027 S Springbrook Ln Boise ID 83706 Yes
Republican Tom Luna * 3613 Ringneck Dr Nampa ID 83686 Yes
Last Updated: 6 August 2010

Other Information About Idaho’s Superintendent of Public Instruction
Plain Language Title: Idaho’s School Principal
Branch of Government: Executive
Super of Public Instruction’s Pay: $91,025.00
Term of Office: 4 years

Duties of the Idaho Superintendent of Public Instruction:
The State Superintendent of Public Instruction is a constitutional officer of the State of Idaho. He serves as an ex-officio member of the State Board of Education and serves on the Board of Land Commissioners. He serves as chief executive officer of the State Department of Education and exercises general supervision of the Department. The State Superintendent provides technical and professional assistance and advice to all school districts in reference to all aspects of education including finances, buildings, equipment, administration, organization of school districts, curriculum and instruction, transportation of pupils and interpretation of school laws and state regulations.

Thanks for visiting and commenting on this Mountain Home Candidates for the 2010 Election article.

Tim Bondy
The Bondyweb.Com author

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