Are there any fossils on Fossil Butte, Idaho

Fossil Butte, Idaho?

Are there any fossils on Fossil Butte, Idaho


While looking for a place to explore this week, I found an interesting geologic feature between Murphy, Idaho and Grand View, Idaho. It’s called Fossil Butte and is just off of Highway 78. We’ve poked around this area once already and found some great views just wandering along a hillside in this desert and sagebrushy place.

Snake near Fossil Butte Idaho

Does anyone out there in the Mountain Home or Boise area know if there are actually any fossils on or around this butte? Another important question is who owns this land.

{mosmap width=’400’|height=’400’|lat=’43.109219’|lon=’-116.446460’|zoom=’8’|zoomType=’Small’|zoomNew=’1’|mapType=’Terrain’|showMaptype=’1’|overview=’0’|text=’Fossil Butte, Idaho’ |tooltip=’Fossil Butte’|marker=’1’|align=’center’}

The only information I have found on the Internet about Fossil Butte is the place frequented by off road vehicles. Plus there appears to be plenty of lizards and snakes. If you have any information about Fossil Butte, let me know.

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