Costly Idaho Races

Quick Stats

So, you want to be a US Congressperson or Senator from Idaho? Better have deep pocket and rich friends. And if you really want to win that race you better outspend your opponents by a significant amount.

Here is the election spending as of approximately the middle of October 2008.

Idaho District 1 House Seat
Winner:  Democrat Walt Minnick: $2,298,776
Loser:  Republican Bill Sali : $982,442
Yearly Salary of US Congressmen: $169,300
Terms of Office: 2 Years

Idaho’s US Senate Seat
Winner:  Republican Jim Risch $3,042,892
Loser:  Democrat Larry Larocco $1,324,039
Yearly Salary of US Senator $169,300
Term of Office: 6 Years


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