Halloween in Mountain Home


The Bondyweb’s first Halloween in Mountain Home, Idaho provided us with lots of fun. We didn’t know what to expect on this most scary and fun of fun days. How many goblins and ghosts would show up at our door? What kind of treats were best? What kind of “tricks” would be played on us?

Jack-o-lantern Idaho style
Getting the Jack-‘o-lantern’s Ready

We figured the best way to let the parents and kids know we had candy was to place our lit up pumpkins on the front porch.

Ready for the goblins and witches

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The first goblin’s started appearing before it got dark.

Mountain Home Ghouls

Even the less scary kids were scary.

Red eyed football player?
Red Eyes with Witches is the background

As is got darker and later in the evening, vampires and more witches started showing up.

Vampire with blood

Then the ugliest witch of them all arrived by a speedy broom.

Witch of Mountain Home

Our first Halloween in Mountain Home was great. There were many, many excited kids roaming the streets out looking for treats but I’m sure prepared to cast wicked spells if they didn’t get what they wanted. We went through 6 bags of candy and if we didn’t run out I’m sure many more bags of treats would have disappeared.

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