Getting to Bruneau Canyon in 1927 - Idaho Stagelines

1920’s Brochure Excerpts About Bruneau Canyon, Idaho

For those of you who are new to the Mountain Home area or just haven’t found the time to explore the area south of our fine city, I thought I’d give you some insight into this area. The following are excerpts from a brochure written by Robert W. Limbert in 1927. Mr. Limbert worked for the Union Pacific Railroad and apparently fell in love with the beauty of Idaho just like me and most other Idahoans.

Getting to Bruneau Canyon in 1927 - Idaho Stagelines
1920’s travel plans

“Bruneau Canyon in Southern Idaho is one of deepest narrow canyons in the world. This defile is so deep and precipitous that for a distance of sixty-seven miles there is only one place where it is possible to get a horse down to water, and there are but four places where a man can climb down.”

“In places the canyon is so narrow, it is possible to throw a rock across it; in othersa rock can be dropped for a sheer fall of twenty-one seconds before it strikes the side, only to bounce onward to the bottom far below.”

“It is reached by stage (coach) from Mountain Home, Idaho, to the town of Bruneau, where arrangements can be made and conveyances secured for the remainder of the thirty-mile journey.”

Bruneau Canyon in 2008 - Idaho Resident
Getting the wide view of our Canyons near Mountain Home, Idaho

In the eighty years since Robert Limbert wrote the above words, many things have changed but in Bruneau Canyon, time seems to have stood still. The canyon depths are still “almost” as inaccessible and if gas prices continue to rise, a stage coach may be the only affordable way to travels it length.

For those of you that would like to visit Bruneau Canyon and see an amazing geoloogic wonder right in our own backyard, I have provided a map.  Click the "Read more"…link below

Here is a map of the Bruneau Canyon Overlook. Try zooming out to see the way into this semi-remote area.


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Here is the link for Robert W. Limbert 1929 brochure.:

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