Photo of strange Owyhee structure

Strange Find in Owyhee Desert

Recently, I was on a rock hounding trip south of Grand View, Idaho in the Owyhee Desert when I came upon a weird and unidentified man-made structure. Can you tell me what this thing is?

Strange Structure
Photo of strange Owyhee structure
Photo of the strange structure from the front, looking into it.

Dog for Scale
My Plott Hound gives some scale to the Owyhee structure
Addie, my dog is featured to give some scale to this strange structure. She is about 3 feet from nose to butt and stands about 2 feet from ground to top of her back.

Under the Roof
Looking under the Owyhee structures roof
Concrete base with some type of “turkey baster” or suction device lying in the bottom of the basin. Obviously the picture was taken on a slant so you have to adjust for this “oops Kodak moment”.

Location of Structure

What the heck is that thing? Leave a comment or use my Contact Us form if you have an answer.

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