
Top 3 Idaho Outdoor News Stories

Found some interesting articles about getting into the great Idaho outdoors that you may find useful.

1. The Grizzly Bear Returns to Idaho Outdoors: Rocky Barker of the Idaho Statesman posted an article on November 20th, 2011 titled “Grizzly encounters may be Idaho’s new normal”. While there is a little sensationalism sprinkled throughout the piece, it’s a fairly informative story. The basic premise is, grizzly bears are starting to migrate out of Yellowstone and Montana in increasing numbers into Idaho.

Link to the story:


My Opinion: First of all, I’ve spent some time in grizzly country. It’s a little uncomfortable sharing a fishing hole with these magnificent creatures. Hunting, hiking and fishing becomes a little more complex knowing you’ll be sharing the trail with a bear than can ruin your whole day and maybe your whole life. But for Jim Unsworth, Idaho Fish and Game deputy director to say “Grizzly populations throughout the Northern Rockies have grown enough that Unsworth would like them all delisted [from the threatened list]” is almost laughable. 


2. Geocaching Idaho’s BLM Lands: In what I suspect is our federal government’s effort to attract more visitors to our public lands, the BLM is encouraging the GPS Sport of geocaching. Why in the world do we want regular people trampling around the sagebrush covered land armed only with a GPS unit, an old peanut butter jars and a pencil?

Link to the article:

My Opinion: I say, “It’s about darn time”. While I have promised myself that I will start getting into geocaching, I just haven’t found the need to yet. Mainly because to plant geocaches, it requires the planter to revisit the geocach site from time to time. I hate having to revisit my steps out in the expansive Idaho outdoors. There are just too many new places to explore. But I know others who don’t mind doing this. But the article certainly refired my desire to start a new hobby of geocaching.

Your Idaho school children are in extreme danger

3. It’s just too dangerous for our children to walk to school: I’ve heard it mentioned at school board meetings that the children need buses to get to school. Some parents say cars speeding by present a danger they aren’t willing to risk without buses. Even our City Council tells us sidewalks must be built and/or smoothed out and repaired because of tripping hazards. Our children might have to negotiate these extremely dangerous hazards on the way to school.

Link to article:

My Opinion: Seriously? Sidewalks or no walking to school? What the heck are we teaching our children. I remember climbing trees before school…and that was without a safety harness, safety glasses or even a hard hat.

Idaho schools say walking is dangerous

But my “old timer” experience pales when it comes to what 80 children in China have to go through to get to school. A 1,000 foot cliff, 4 single plank wide bridges, and if they are lucky a camel ride is part of their 120 mile journey to school. And it’s too dangerous for the children of Mountain Home to walk that 1 mile of treachery to get an education? I say again…Seriously? Those Chinese children get an excellent education on the way to, and on the way home from school.

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