Exports from Idaho to Singapore - Computers and Electronics

Mountain Home AFB and Singapore

I’m sure most people in the area know by now the Singapore Air Force is coming to Mountain Home Air Force Base. But what you might not know is how much trade and commerce is conducted between Idaho and the country of Singapore. I looked up some general facts and this is just one set of statistics I found.

Exports from Idaho to Singapore by Year – Computer and Electronics

Exports from Idaho to Singapore - Computers and Electronics

The Raw Numbers

  2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007
Computers & Electronic $165,169,000 $192,976,000 $361,176,000 $226,145,000 $459,052,000 $1,052,506,000

It appears as if Singapore likes the computer and electronics produced in Idaho. As you can see, 2007 was a great trading year for Idaho. This is good new for both Idaho and Singapore.

Links to Singapore Air Force
Mountain Home News article from August 23, 2008 highlighting what the city, Elmore County and Mountain Home AFB is expecting as the Royal Singapore AF stands up a squadron of F-15 fighters.

The Oregonian News from May 21, 2008 has a few more details about the Singapore F-15 Squadron at Mountain Home AFB.

The Spokesman News from Spokane, WA has an article dated in May 2008 about the Singapore Air Force plans at MHAFB.

Defense News website has some guesses about the Singapore AF buying the new generation F-35 Fighter.

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