Entire Mountain Home City Council in session

Fast Moving Mountain Home City Council Meeting

Entire Mountain Home City Council in session

The Mountain Home City Council Meeting held on Monday, August 22nd, 2011 was fascinating, moved along fast and lots of good things were discussed. As usual, City employees outnumber us regular citizens by a 2:1 ratio.

Some of the issued discussed during this meeting included:

1. The NLCM Lawsuit: The No Limits Christian Ministries, Inc lawsuit against the City will end up costing “us” ONLY about $75,000 – $80,000. This amount includes a $24,000 “damages award”.

– My Opinion: In today’s litigious society, Mountain Home made out like a bandit. It could have been much worse. On the other hand, I think I can safely say because of this lawsuit, some very excellent local organizations will not be funded or funding will be cut. The Youth Center, The Mountain Home Museum, our City Bus routes to name just a few.

Adult entertainment establishments could spring up

2. Adult Entertainment: As a direct result of the “NLCM, Inc” lawsuit, the City will now likely allow “Adult Entertainment” establishments in select commercial zones around the city. The current City Land Use Chart allows adult entertainment establishments only after applying for and approval of a Conditional Use Permit (CUP). This will change in the coming weeks or months.

– My Opinion: Once this Land Use Chart is changed and approved, there will be little if anything the City can do if someone wants to open a “Strip Club”. Yahoo!?!

New Police Chief Nick Schilz in Mountain Home Idaho

3. The New Police Chief: Looks like Nick Schilz is a wanted man in Mountain Home. His appointment to the Police Chief position was unanimously approved at this meeting. I understand this was a grueling process with over 70 individual interviewing for the job. Nick was the Elmore County Deputy Sheriff until getting this job.

– My Opinion: There will be an opening for a new Deputy Sheriff in Elmore County. Guess that is a forecast and not an opinion.

4. Dangerous Sidewalks: If the sidewalks in front of your house are in bad condition, you will likely be asked and then told to get them fixed. The Council agreed the city may/might/will help with some of the associated costs. If there is no sidewalk in front of your house, get ready to have one built. This is in the city ordinances.

– My Opinion: This could get expensive for some residents. Oh, the City “Sidewalk Budget” is only $10,000.

City of Mountain Home flipping houses

5. HUD Housing: The Council wants to act slowly and cautiously before buying a HUD owned house for $1 plus closing costs, home inspection fees and possible maintenance costs. If the City ends up buying a HUD owned house, they will sell it at public auction and the proceeds will go to our local Seniors Center.

My Opinion: The Seniors Center is an excellent organization that needs more funding. But I still don’t believe “The City” should be in the house flipping business.

Bondyweb Rant Follows
In this day and age of computers, scanners and the internet, it would be nice if the City would post some of the support documentation on their new and improved website. I understand I could head on down to City Hall and pick up copies of these documents. I may have the time but why go through the expense of printing when a digital copy will do just fine.

Thnak you Mayor Rist

Bondyweb Thanks Follows
This humble and sometimes grumpy website owner, author and window washer would like thank the Mayor for putting a link to my website on the City website. See the bottom of the webpage located at:


The link is called “Life off Interstate 84 – Idaho”.

Hope you enjoyed my Mountain Home City Council Meeting Minutes for this week. Leave a comment and tell me what you think. If you enjoyed it you could also tell a friend about me by sending them a link. Please?


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