(13 Dec. 2019 / Author: Tim Bondy) The Wilson Creek and Wilson Flats area are one of my favorite home turf hiking areas in southwestern Idaho. Located on the bank of Anderson Ranch Reservoir above the dam, the trail system and varied terrain make this a scenic and challenging place to hike and even mountain bike.
After being closed in 2013 due to catastrophic wildfire damage, the trail system was finally opened up to ATV traffic (and mountain bikes) in April 2019. The Boise National Forest did extensive renovations on the lower elevation trail in 2018-2019 and Wilson Flats was again opened to motorized traffic. However, the Boise National Forest officially announce that the trail system would be a seasonal trail system in Sept. 2019. I didn’t expect that announcement and I can say I am happy that they did make it seasonal for ATV and motorcycles. I hope it remains that way in the future.

Here is the order designating the Wilson Trail System as a season motorized system at least for the 2019-2020 season.
Order Number: 0402-01-90
Trail Closure
Wilson Trail System
For Protection of Big Game
Pursuant to 36 CFR 261.55 (b), the following acts are prohibited on National Forest System Trails as described in this Order, within the administrative boundaries of the Mountain Home Ranger District, Boise National Forest. This Order will be in effect beginning October 1, 2019 and shall remain in effect until June 15, 2020, unless rescinded earlier by the Forest Supervisor.
- Using any type of motor vehicle on the Trails described below. 36 CFR 261.55(b)
Pursuant to 36 CFR 26I.50(e), the following persons are exempt from this order:
- Persons with a special use authorization or other Forest Service authorization
specifically exempting them from the effect of this Order. - Any Federal, State, or local law enforcement officer, or member of an organized
rescue or fire fighting force in the performance of an official duty. - Federal or State administrative personnel in the performance of an official duty.
Wilson Trail System is described as the entire 600 Trail system starting at Forest Road #120 and the junction with Wilson Creek. The Trails described are within Township 1 South, Range 9 East, Sections 31 and 32, Township I South, Range 8 East, Section 2, and Township 1 North, Range 8 East, Sections 25, 26, 34, 35 and 36.
Trails Included in this Order:
- 606, 60J7, 608, 609, 611 and 612
The above described Trails, as depicted on the map attached hereto as exhibit A, are located within the Mountain Home Ranger District, Boise National Forest, Boise Meridian, Elmore County, ID.
The purpose of this Order is to close the Wilson Trail System to all motor vehicles to protect big game during critical life stages.
- This Order will be in effect beginning October 1, 2019 and shall remain in effect
until June 15, 2020, unless rescinded earlier by the Forest Supervisor. - A map identifying the above-described Trails are depicted on the map attached hereto
as exhibit A, and made part of this Order. - Any violation of this Order is punishable by a fine of not more than $5000 for an
individual or $10,000 for an organization, and/or imprisonment for not more than six
months [Title 16 USC 551, Title 18 USC 3571(b)(6), Title 18 USC 3581 (b)(7)]. - This Order supersedes any previous orders/notices for the above-described Trails or
portions thereof. - Further information regarding this Order may be obtained at the Mountain Home
Ranger District Office, Mountain Home, ID, telephone number 208-587-7961, and at
the Forest Supervisor’s Office, Boise, ID, telephone number 208-373-4001.
Done at Boise, Idaho this 25th day of September 2019.
Signed by Cecilia R. Seesholtz
Forest Supervisor
Boise National Forest
My Last Words on the Issue
There are very few designated non-motorized trails in the Mountain Home Ranger District of the Boise National Forest. These new seasonal closures/restrictions mean we can hike and mountain bike this area for a few short months during the warm season without the sounds and intrusion of motorcycles and ATVs.
The downside of these new restrictions means hunters that don’t want to or cannot hike in this Wilson Flat Trail System will be affected. I understand some hunters not liking the new rules, but the rules are meant to enhance the big game population or exactly the same species these hunters are looking to harvest.
This story was originally published on 13 Dec. 2019.
~ signed ~
Tim Bondy
Freelance Writer & Citizen Journalist