Exploding Targets on Idaho Public Lands – 2019 Legislature Vote on S-1178

(March 31, 2019 / Author: Tim Bondy) The 2019 Idaho State Legislature wanted to and then refused to ban exploding targets on our public lands if used during our summertime dry season. And thus, the Republican-controlled legislature continues to show it’s craziness to the world in voting down Senate Bill 1178. 

During a March 26, 2019 vote on SB-1178, a bill previously passed by the full Idaho Senate, the House voted against the bill that would have banned exploding targets on state-managed lands in a valiant effort to ensure wildfires will have a much better chance to ravage our public lands in the future. This was an incredibly stupid thing to do in my opinion. But stupid is, what stupid does. 

The Facts on Wildfires and Exploding Targets

Since 2015, over 30% percent of wildfire ignitions in Idaho were attributed to exploding target and ammunition sparking off rocks and other hard-surfaced materials (metal targets). Outdoor shooting enthusiasts are encouraged to use public lands safely, while following the current fire restrictions and incorporating wildfire safety practices into their routine.”


Backer ‘v’ Opponents of SB-1178

The backers of SB-1178 say it would have brought state lands into alignment with federal laws prohibiting exploding targets during Idaho’s warm season and would prevent many future wildfires.

2nd Amendment or this? You choose.

Opponents of SB-1178 say it was a blatant violation of the 2nd Amendment and freedom-loving Idahoans don’t need to be told what they can do with their guns.

The Vote on SB-1178

To be clear, the Idaho Senate passed SB-1178 in a 27 – 8 vote. The House then refused to pass that very same bill. The vote was along party lines, however, with many Republicans jumping ship and voting with the Democrats. 

AYES – Abernathy (D), Addis (R), Amador (R), Anderson (R), Berch (D), Chew (D), Clow (R), Davis (D), Ellis (D), Erpelding (D), Furniss (R), Gannon (D), Gibbs (R), Green(R / Dist 18), Hartgen (R), Kauffman (R), Lickley (R), Mason (D), McCrostie (D), Monks (R), Moyle (R), Palmer (R), Raybould (R), Raymond (R), Ricks (R), Rubel (D), Smith (D), Syme (R), Toone (D), Wintrow (D), Wood (R), Youngblood (R), Mr. Speaker Bedke (R).

NAYS – Andrus (R), Armstrong (R), Barbieri (R), Blanksma (R), Boyle (R), Chaney (R), Christensen (R), Collins (R), Crane (R), Dayley (R), DeMordaunt (R), Dixon (R), Ehardt (R), Gestrin (R), Giddings (R), Goesling (R), Green(R / Dist 2), Harris (R), Holtzclaw (R), Horman (R), Kerby (R), Kingsley (R), Marshall (R), Mendive (R), Moon (R), Nichols (R), Scott (R), Shepherd (R), Stevenson (R), Troy (R), Vander Woude (R), Wisniewski (R), Young (R), Zito (R), Zollinger (R)

Absent – Anderst (R), Wagoner (R)

  • 33 AYES included: 13 House Democrats, 20 House Republicans
  • 35 Nays included 35 House Republicans, 0 House Democrats 

To this Idaho resident, it certainly appears that the Republicans in the Idaho Legislature would like to watch wildfires burn through our forests, deserts, sagebrush steppe and the entire backcounty. I wonder why these conservatives are so eager to torch our lands?

See the state website link to SB-1178: https://legislature.idaho.gov/sessioninfo/2019/legislation/S1178/

Credit: https://www.guns.com/news/2014/04/08/knob-creek


Other Version of SB-1178

There was also another version of SB-1178 called SB-1154 but it appears that bill got lost in the shuffle when it was referred to the State Affairs Committee on March 4, 2019. SB-1154 had its first reading on March 1, 2019.

Idaho Senate Bill 1178 Links

See the text of SB-1178 at https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_vJ3BGUDpEWV6-xWgDL33G95VXsp3fC_ZpvXWaLiL64/edit?usp=sharing

How did my Representatives / Senator Vote on SB-1178? 

  1. Representative Megan Blanksma from District 23, who I call a “moderate hard rightwinger” voted for an increase in Idaho wildfires.
  2. Idaho’s District 23 Representative Christy Zito, who votes and thinks like a person with no brains and a puppeteer’s hand up her ass, also voted for an increase in wildfires for Idaho. 
  3. District 23 Senator Burt Brackett voted to prevent target shooters from starting catastrophic wildfires in Idaho. It’s a low bar to step over for a lawmaker, but I thank him for at least trying. 


Originally published on March 31, 2019.


~ signed ~

Tim Bondy
Freelance Writer & Citizen Journalist

I am a proud citizen journalist, aka “enemy of the American People!” 

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