(March 15, 2019 / Author: Tim Bondy) This first time ride on Bennett Creek Trail in the Mount Bennett Hills of southwestern Idaho turned out to be quite fun. It was a strenuous doubletrack ride for me and, as a result, I didn’t ride as far as planned. The trail parallels a canyon as it heads into this small mountain range but never really ventures into it until the five mile point. Since this June 2018 ride, I’ve ridden the trail a few more time.
Related Post: http://bondyweb.com/2019/02/17/bike-ride-on-bennett-creek-trail-near-hot-creek-road-4-sept-2018/
This was a brand new trail ride for me during the 2018 summer solstice, or June 21, 2018. It turned out to be quite fun and later in the year earned the title of “Favorite.” For a first time ride, I was impressed with the terrain, scenery, and easy access to this 100% public lands location.
The #mtb ride statistics came in at a little over 11 total miles, just under 1,700 vertical feet and clocked in at a 5.3% slope. Yes, there was some pushing, walking and even a few places I walked downhill because of the technical nature of the doubletrack trail.
Link to the Photo Album for This Ride: https://photos.app.goo.gl/SUFaGRJTZGQetQXa7
Some Photography From The Ride

There are a few spurs off the main branch you can ride along the Bennett Creek trail. It might be fun to get off the main branch to explore the Bennett Mountain Front. The spur road shown in the above photo was a short dead end rancher track.

Thorn Creek is a respectable place to think about turning around on this out and back ride. The ride down into this canyon is rather technical, steep and slick with grapefruit-sized rocks.

The trail starts out flat and easy but quickly get more aerobically challenging within 10 minutes of the trailhead.

This benchmark can be found at 43.1637802, -115.4482803
This ride would make a good adventure for locals and even people just visiting the Mountain Home or Glenns Ferry area.
This story was originally published on 27 June 2018 on the https://timbondy.blogspot.com website, updated and republished on this website on March 15, 2019.
~ signed ~
Tim Bondy
Freelance Writer & Citizen Journalist
I am currently a proud citizen journalist, aka “enemy of the American People!”