(February 27, 2019 / Author: Tim Bondy) The Dempsey Meadow trail is located just north of King Hill and Glenns Ferry, Idaho. While there is a lot of dirt road riding starting at the trailhead, once you get close to the Wilderness Study Area, the road turns into a pretty challenging doubletrack that has many eroded sections and rock gardens to pick through. I’ll be back to Dempsey again late next summer or early autumn.
Link to photo: https://photos.app.goo.gl/h6tHQdErDG6KRGw58 at 43.0874443, -115.1476364
What About the Dempsey Meadows Mountain Bike Ride
I’ve been on this trail twice and both times the furthest north I could make it was up on the escarpment above, or north, of Hog Creek Springs. Both times were also in the early fall so the trail was dry. I suspect the trail would be quite muddy during the spring and early summer, so that’s something to consider before heading up Dempsey Meadows.
Dempsey Meadows Ride Stats
- Adventure Date: October 25, 2018
- Consider Doing it Again?: Yes
- Trailhead: 43.033714, -115.167234
- Turn-Around Point or Furthest Out Point: 43.108159, -115.155945
- 7.5 Topo Maps: “King Hill” and a possibly a sliver of “Deer Heaven Mountain”
- Trail/Road #: BLM identified road “DEMPSEY MEADOW #2002
- Land Ownership: BLM lands but borders on some State land
- Mileage: 13.7 miles
- +Vertical Feet: 1,869feet
- Avg Slope from Google Earth Vertical Profile of the GPX File: 5.0%
- Google Photo Album Link: https://photos.app.goo.gl/7k5fkRk38oh9wZsy7
- Google Earth KMZ: BENN – Bike – Dempsey Meadows – King Hill (local file only)
- GPX File Name: 20181025-124918.gpx (local file only)
- Driving Time to Trailhead: 50 minutes to a safe place to park
Future Ride Recommendations: Start riding/trailhead at 43.081669, -115.144198. Starting at that point would allow me to get further into “virgin” territory.

Link to Photograph: https://photos.app.goo.gl/d7VhhB5HKXVV56NA8
Info on the King Hill Creek Wilderness Study Area: This study area encompasses about 29,300 acres in southeastern Elmore County, Idaho. In short, the study area was not recommended to be converted into a wilderness area and that it should be released for “other than wilderness uses.” I believed this determination was made in 1988. Maybe someday, I’ll do proper research into wilderness study area rules & regulations.
To read more about this isolated tract of high desert and canyonland, download a copy of a 10 page BLM documents. The document was available as of Feb. 26, 2019 at
Many times these documents get moved and online links will break or disappear.
Originally posted at Tim Bondy Writes (https://timbondy.blogspot.com/) on January 7, 2019
~ signed ~
Tim Bondy
Freelance Writer & Citizen Journalist
“Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” ~ Neale Donald Walsch