I Hiked Where Hawaiian Kings Walked – 9 Feb. 2019

(February 14, 2019 / Author: Tim Bondy) The Kings Trail on the southern end of Maui, Hawaii is a must go place while on this island. The small segment I hiked is located at the end of a narrow paved road on a wild and scenic portion of the island and the views and terrain won’t disappoint.

Featured image geotagged at 20.597780, -156.417367 on 9 Feb. 2019.

I certainly wish I had more time to hike this entire trail but I didn’t. If you plan to come to Maui and want to hike the Kings Trail, understand that you’ll need something more substantial than water shoes or flip-flops. FYI… The trail is “volcanic rough” in spots. 


The King’s Trail was originally constructed in the 1500s for Hawaiian royalty so the king could survey his lands. Much of the original trail has disappeared over time but some portions remain intact, while trail restoration continues today.


Originally published on February 11, 2019


~ signed ~

Tim Bondy – Freelance Writer

“For the Benefit and Enjoyment of the People.” ~ Theodore Roosevelt in 1903


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