Crowds at the Mountain Home Senior Center Political Forum in Idaho

The Mountain Home Senior Center Political Forum Review

Crowds at the Mountain Home Senior Center Political Forum in Idaho

See my review from the Elks Lodge/Chamber of Commerce May 1st, 2012 political forum to gain some perspective into this review at:

On Monday May 7th, 2012 there was a political forum held in the Mountain Home Senior Center. From my count 14 candidates and about 55-75 citizens attended the event. It was definitely worth the effort to attend even if it just reaffirmed what I learned at the earlier forum.

The Annoying Political Mantra
“I’ll cut your taxes” was heard a few times last night. And I certainly appreciate the pandering but stop telling me you will cut my taxes unless you can tell me what you want to cut out of the State budget first. I want specifics!

Idaho Sage Grouse political issue

The Sage Grouse: Why the heck is the Sage Grouse a big issue for our State politicians in 2012? The sage grouse warning shots were fired across the bow back in 2004. The time to act was 7-8 years ago. What have you done in the last 8 years to mitigate the sage grouse problem? Now that’s what a true problem solver would tell us.

The Questions Were Asked
Questions at this political forum were quite a bit less pertinent than at the Elks Lodge forum on 1 May 2012. The main reason I can say this is because of the obvious anti-Brackett questions that dominated the last 40 minutes of the forum. Also I thought there were a few questions that would have been more suitable for US Senators/Congressmen.


The Big Winners When Considering both Political Forums

  1. Tim Corder is the best candidate the Republican can put up for the 2012 District 23 Senatorial election. He appears to be very knowledgeable about all the issues, intelligent and most importantly willing/able to solve Idaho’s problems. This should be a slam dunk choice for the people of District 23.
  2. Independent District 23 Senatorial Candidate Bill Chisholm: Not in the May 15th Primary but he’s an idea man that left to run things would make Idaho a much better place. If all our politician and businesspeople used their brains like Bill, we wouldn’t be in the hole we are. It’ll be a tough decision if the November ballot has both Corder and Chisholm on it.
  3. Matthew Bundy is a Republican running for District 23 State Representative: The only advice I have for Mr. Bundy is “don’t be a one issue candidate” when campaigning down the back stretch. Education is important but so is the economy and solving other problems. He’s still “the man” when it comes to the May 15th Republican Primary. While Pete Nielsen and Steve Millington are still throwing tea into the harbor, Mr. Bundy will be solving the problems all people in Idaho are facing.
  4. Bud Corbus running for County Commissioner: I think this man cemented his spot at the top of the Elmore County Commissioners list for me at this 2nd forum. Previously I said Bud was a soft spoken individual but I believe there is “hell-raising” side to this guy that will be good for Elmore County.

Tim Bondy’s Parting Shots
– Twin Falls native Senator Brackett was in “enemy territory” during both of these forums and the questions last night reflected that fact. In my opinion, Senator Brackett did more harm than good to his campaign. But he was the only candidate offering an ink pen for political swag at this forum.
– It was disappointing only 55-75 citizens showed up at the Senior Center Forum. While this is “just the primary election”, the people still need to get educated on the candidates. If you are a “declared Republican” you can’t just vote for the guy with the “Big R” after his name. They all have R’s after their name during this one.
– Buckshot61: You are a lying, extremist jerk and an absolute coward. How’s that for hilarious facts?

Got something to add to the conversation? You can comment all you wish but stay on topic please.



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