Anderson Dam Hike near Mountain Home Idaho

Photos from an Excellent “Dam” Hike

There are “horrible damn hikes” and then there are excellent “dam” hikes. And this hike fell into the excellent dam hike category. Where does one head for a great dam hike?

Anderson Dam Hike near Mountain Home Idaho

(February 5, 2012) Looking for easy hike in the snow where I wouldn’t have to trudge through 1 foot of crusty old snow was the plan for this Super Bowl Sunday. The other criteria were I had to be back home by Kick-Off. I got more than I bargained for with this hike Along Anderson Ranch Dam and Reservoir.

The Dam Hike
Parking on the north side of Anderson Ranch Dam, my plan was to head towards the Little Wilson Creek area about 2 miles up the road. And let’s face it, a walk along a fairly flat plowed surface isn’t exactly exciting or blog-worthy.

What I didn’t think would happen was experiencing a blue-bird day with almost no wind. These conditions gave me an opportunity to see and photograph some extraordinary sights. So I wanted to share a few pictures I took along Anderson Ranch Dam and Reservoir.

Some Photos

  • Water Reflections #1
From Anderson Ranch Dam Hike

  •  Frozen Waterfalls
From Anderson Ranch Dam Hike

  • Water Reflection #2
From Anderson Ranch Dam Hike

Link to the full 8 picture Photo Album:

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