Deer Creek Canyon in Idahos Bennett Hills

Photo-of-week – Deer Creek and Little Canyon Creek

A photo at the confluence of Little Canyon Creek and Deer Creek in Idaho’s Bennett Hills

Deer Creek Canyon in Idahos Bennett Hills
Click to see a larger version of the Deer Creek Photo

Sunday, March 13th 2011: This hike was suppose to be much longer but the ground in the Bennett Hills was soft, muddy and not a good time to be off-trail. My original plan was to hike up Peak 4678 northwest of the lower portion of Deer Creek but I had to stay west of Little Canyon Creek.

Overall, this was the worst hikes I have ever taken. It was so muddy and soft I basically hopped from rock to rock the entire 2 miles. As of March 13th, 2011 I do not recommend any form of recreation off Bennett Mountain Road until it dries out.

Details of the Photo
Photo Taken: 43.128857, -115.283954 or about ½ miles off Bennett Mountain Road.
Looking: Northeast up the Deer Creek Canyon.
Date and Time: March 13th 2011 at 3:32pm or 2132 UTC.

I’ll be the first to admit I shouldn’t have taken this hike. But I did my best to stay off the mud and on the rocks. It was an ankle twisting trip. Have any similar trip that you have taken? What do you think of the Photo of Deer Creek? Leave a comment.


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