116th Cavalry in Mountain Home Idaho

Mtn Home Idaho Army National Guard Photo with a Dog

Color Me Stupid and Hang Me on the Clueless Wall
Okay, I’ve been living in Mountain Home Idaho for 3 years. I didn’t know there was a Army National Guard Post located here. Company C , 116th Brigade Special Troops Battalion / 116th Cavalry (HBCT)

116th Cavalry in Mountain Home Idaho
Click to see a bigger picture

Looking for a Place to Walk the Dog
On Saturday January 15th, 2011 I set out to find a place to walk the dog. Originally I was going to try a dirt road near the John Hoffman Reservoir off Highway 20. Plan B was along Hot Springs Road / Teapot Dome Road a little further up the road. The road into John Hoffman was taken by bird hunters and appeared to be quite muddy…a muddy mess. Hot Springs Road was better but still quite muddy so I headed back to Mountain Home and settled on Hot Creek Road.

Mountain Home and Idaho's Silver City Mountains
Overlooking Mountain Home and the Silver City Mountains – Click for a bigger picture

Hot Creek Road and the 116th Cavalry Post
Parking just outside the road into the Army National Guard entrance meant no mud for the dog to track back into the truck. We headed down the road on foot towards the gated portion of the Post and was glad to see the road was paved. The dog and I were also happy to find a semi-paved road following the fence-line that extended our walk on a virtually deserted road. So for a warm, sloppy spring-like day in January, this area was just what we needed. The dog got some much needed exercise (me too) and I got chance to test out my new camera.

Addie the Plott Hound from Mountain Home Idaho
Click for a larger picture of Addie the Super Dog

Questions and Comments
So, did you know there is a Idaho Army National Guard Post located in Mountain Home? Do you know of a good place to walk a dog “off leash” that is paved and there is little to no traffic within 10 miles of Mountain Home? Have you ever been to the John Hoffman Reservoir?  Leave a comment or even a lot of comments and/or answers.



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