Owyhee sunset from Mountain Home Idaho

Sunset Over the Owyhee’s Picture from Mountain Home Idaho

Walking the Dog on Canyon Creek Road as the Sun Sets over the Owyhee Mountains

Owyhee sunset from Mountain Home Idaho
Click for a larger photo.

Friday, January 7th, 2011: Took my dog, Addy for a walk on Canyon Creek Road north of Mountain Home, Idaho just before sunset. As I was walking south I captured this photo at 5:22PM. The photo was taken looking southeast towards the Owyhee Mountains. The Silver City Mountains are just to the right of the setting sun.

The Walk on Canyon Creek
Canyon Creek Road from Mountain Home up to the Mayfield Road intersection was dry. But getting off into the sagebrush, conditions were a little muddy with some patches of snow still hanging on. The odd dirt roads off of Canyon Creek were basically impassable on foot unless you wanted to sink into 3-6 inch of muck. I did..but didn’t want to.

Hunters, Grouse and Dead Foxes
When I got out there there were a few gentlemen bird hunting so I just parked the truck and headed away from them to the south. The dog spooked a covey of grouse right in front of me scaring me and the pooch. Once the hunters left, we headed back north along the road. Good old Addy came upon a dead animal just off the road. To her credit, she just sniffed the thing until I got close. With her job done, she went back to exploring and I discovered the animal was a fox. A little further up the road I came across another carcass but this one was mostly skinless. Looks like someone or something was hunting fox in this area.

Dead Fox in Idaho
Click for a larger photo.

Good Place for a Walk
Overall, Canyon Creek is a pretty good place to take an over active dog for a walk. There were a fair number of people traveling on the gravel portion of this road with a couple of ranchers, hunters and a couple of ATV’ers. The views of the Bennett Hills and distant Owyhee’s makes this place a much more enjoyable place to walk a dog than the local park.

Panoramic Picture of the Bennett Hills
See a panoramic photo of the Bennett Hill taken on this trip: http://cid-4d25e44b90ad42da.photos.live.com/self.aspx/Idaho%20Panoramic%20Photos/canyon-creek-Jan2011.jpg

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