City Club of Boise Excluding Jana Kemp from the Debate is stupid

Stupid Idea – Excluding Candidate Jana Kemp from the Debate

City Club of Boise Excluding Jana Kemp from the Debate is stupid

The City Club of Boise has excluded Independent Governor Candidate Jana Kemp from their Gubernatorial Debate being held on September 15, 2010. Why? Was it because she didn’t score high enough in some political poll as the organizers suggest? Or was the decision made in a “smoke filled back room” meeting for less than honorable reasons? Who cares why the City Club of Boise made this very stupid decision.

It Can Be Fixed or Is This a Fixed Debate?
With the general election about 80 days away, one would think the City Club of Boise would jump at the chance to INCLUDE all serious candidates in this debate. After all, their motto is “Nothing happens until people start talking”. I’m guessing that this motto is suppose to mean, people (candidates are people too) talk, learn from the conversation and then make intelligent decisions. So why can’t the City Club do the right thing and invite Jana Kemp to join in this debate? Would it be too difficult to add one more candidate? Or is the political fix already too entrenched in this event?

The people are talking and the candidates want to talk! Now it’s up to the City Club of Boise to make sure the right thing happens. Give the people the opportunity to hear Jana Kemp in this debate or become the insignificant organization it sounds like you are trying to become.

♦  The City Club of Boise
♦  Jana Kemp for Idaho Governor website

Thanks for visiting and commenting on this political rant.

Tim Bondy
The Bondyweb.Com author

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