Shifty Fifty of Mountain Home Idaho

Shifty 50 of Mountain Home

Does the “Shifty 50” Actually Exist in Mountain Home?

Shifty Fifty of Mountain Home Idaho

I moved here at the end of 2007 and it didn’t take long for me to hear about a group of people in Mountain Home, Idaho called the Shifty 50.  I have been told this group exists and I have been told it’s a myth.  If the shear number of people who believe the Shifty Fifty is real means anything, then I guess I have to believe myself…almost.

What is this Shifty Fifty Group?
From what I have been told, it’s a group of prominent business people and citizens that pretty much control the business environment of Mountain Home.  While not a formal organization, this behind-the-scenes or secret organization can make or break a new business, at least in theory. I’ve been told the Taco Bell on Mountain Home AFB had troubles opening up because of the Shifty 50.  I been told new businesses wanting to coming to town sometimes run into unexplained red tape and licensing delays until they give up.   And then a member of the Shifty Fifty takes this opportunity to open up the same type of business.  

FYI:  There are the same type rumor floating around of an undercover or underground business group in Clovis, New Mexico, home of Cannon Air Force Base.  Interestingly enough…the name of their group is also the “Shifty 50”.

Does It Exist?
My thinking is there is some kind of loose knit group of people that have some extra influence on the business community but it’s hard to believe they are as powerful as I’ve heard on numerous occasions.  Now this is just my uneducated guess so I come to my readers and pose the biggest question this town has ever been asked.

Does the Shifty Fifty Exist in Mountain Home, Idaho??????

Please leave a comment or contact me with your opinion.  

Thanks for visiting and commenting on this story.

Tim Bondy
The Bondyweb.Com author

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