Butch Otter Governor 2010

Early Idaho Governor’s Race

Idahoans will be voting for Governor in 2010 and already there are two (or three?) challengers to Butch Otter’s gubernatorial seat before the new decade begins. Still, there is less than one year before we go to the polls in November 2010. Meet the candidate now so you can learn, understand and decide who you wish to be "The New President of Idaho".

The Incumbent – Republican Butch Otter

Butch Otter Governor 2010


The Independent for Governor – Jana Kemp

Jana Kemp for Governor 2010

Website: http://www.votekemp.com/index.html

The Democrat for Governor – Keith Allred

Allred for Governor 2010

Website: http://www.allredforidaho.com/

Is It Possible Tim Bondy May Run For Governor?

Tim for Governor?

I only need 1000 signatures, $6-10 Million in donations and some support for my family, friends and many, many, many strangers. And all this before the March 2010 filing deadline. Guess I won’t be on the ballot in 2010 at least for the Idaho Governor’s seat.

Thanks for visiting,

Tim Bondy
The Bondyweb.Com webmaster

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