Fishing the North Fork of the Boise River

HELP – Fishing the North Fork of the Boise River

Fishing the North Fork of the Boise River

I’m looking for some advice and guidance on fishing the North Fork of the Boise River next summer. I have explored Google Earth and Google Maps and have found two different places to start this one day fishing trip.

1. The easiest or at least closest access from Mountain Home seems to be at the confluence of the Middle Fork and the North Forth of of the Boise Rivers. The things that have me concerned are:
– Crossing the Boise River from where I’d park my car. My assumption is I’d have to wait until at least mid-July before attempting this crossing????? You can assume I don’t mind getting wet or having to do a little swimming to cross the river but I don’t want to drown either.
– The North Fork river canyon looks “semi-hikeable” for about 2 miles upstream before things close up and the off trail hike gets dangerous and steep.
Anyone out there ever tried fishing this portion of the North Fork?

Fishing possibilities near Boise

2. The long and dusty access but easier fishing access seems to be along Rabbit Creek Road / Forest Service Road 327. My concerns are only on access to the river were it concerns private property.
– It there a lot of private property along the section of Rabbit Creek Road that follows the North Fork of the Boise?

Map It

Fish North Fork Boise River Map Icon 1
Map fishing access #1

North Fork Boise Fishing Access 2
Map fishing access #2

Have any advice? Contact me via the Contact Us link in the left hand menu.


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