Fall Colors of Southern Idaho

Fall Colors Appear – Highway 20, Idaho

Fall colors are starting to work themselves down from the high country. We even see trees and ground cover starting their fall transformation right here on the valley floor around Mountain Home. With the rain on Saturday I figured a fishing trip was out of the question but I really have been itching to see the aspens along Highway 20 for the last week or so.

Fall Colors of Southern Idaho
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Around 3:15 PM I took off and headed for the Castle Rock area on Highway 20 just below the turnoff for Pine and Featherville. I stayed just ahead of a line of showers and thunderstorm all the way up the road. I had about 10 minutes of nice weather before a gusty thunderstorm drove me back to my car that I parked on at Cat Creek Road.

It was hard to tell but I think the highest peaks in the Soldier Mountains appeared to get a good coating of snow. I say “appears to” because the combination of clouds hugging the mountains and the sunlight may have tricked me into thinking there was snow up there.


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