August 25th, 2008 Mountain Home Dust Storm

Windy and Dusty in Mountain Home

Picture of the Week – Last Week of August 2008

Monday August 25, 2008 brought a strong cold front through Idaho. Most of this day was beautiful with temperatures topping out at around 102F, very low humidity, light winds and sunny skies. This all changed around 7:00PM in the Mountain Home area.

Picture taken on August 25th, 2008 at 7:45PM

August 25th, 2008 Mountain Home Dust Storm
Click image to see a bigger picture – A 350 Grit Moment in Mtn Home, Idaho

Comparing Photo’s
Picture below taken on August 30th, 2008 at 9:30AM

August 30, 2008 with no dust in Mountain Home Idaho
Click Here to see the full sized photo with no Mountain Home Dust

Those light winds turned mean and nasty as the cold front moved through. Winds went from light and variable to northwesterly gusting as high as 50 knots / 58 miles per hour. These winds created a dense dust storm through the Snake River Valley. You can see how dusty it became on the north side of Mountain Home. That fire station in the distance is only about 450 feet from the picture taking spot.

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