Nuclear power in Elmore County, Idaho

Nuclear Mountain Home?

Nuclear power in Elmore County, Idaho

Being relatively new to Mountain Home, I was wondering what my readers who live in this area think about the proposed building of a nuclear power plant in our backyard. Unfortunately I missed the meeting held in town on June 10th, 2008 and the one in Glenns Ferry on June 17th, 2008. I would love to watch the entire presentation put on by Idaho Energy Complex.

Mixed Feelings
1. Who could possibly want a nuclear power plant in their backyard?
2. Who could possibly turn away an excellent source of jobs and revenue for Mountain Home?
3. Do we really want big growth to occur when most people like the small town look and feel of Mountain Home?
4. If Elmore County leaders and resident do not approve the nuclear power plant, it will likely be built in another county that will take advantage of the jobs that come with it.

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Where Would the Nuclear Power Plant be Located

{mosmap width=’400’|height=’600’|lat=’42.951206’|lon=’-115.546084’|zoom=’10’|zoomType=’Small’|zoomNew=’1’|mapType=’Terrain’|showMaptype=’1’|overview=’0’|text=’Nuclear Power Plant in Mountain Home, Idaho’ |tooltip=’Nuclear location’|marker=’1’|align=’left’}


Links of Interest: (Click on the links below)

11 June 2008: A KTVB (Boise) article and video with some good information about the nuclear power plant.

11 June 2008: Snake River Alliance article that has a strong bias but some good information.

11 June 2008: Another Snake River Alliance article with a few different points about the power plant.

11 June 2008: The Mountain Home News article giving some good information about safety and the economic impact the nuclear power plant would have on Elmore County

17 June 2008: The Mountain Home New article mainly covering the Glenns Ferry protests against the power plant.

17 June 2008: The Snake River Alliance reports how they interpreted the meeting, protest and arrest of one of their members.

18 June 2008: The Twin Falls Times-News article cover the disruption of the Glenns Ferry Meeting held on 17 June 2008.

Idaho Energy Complex: The company trying to build the nuclear power plan in Elmore County.

How is the Bondyweb.Com Leaning on This Issue?
I am currently leaning towards allowing the nuclear power plant to be built in Elmore County. Why?


Nuclear issue in Elmore County Idaho

1. Like it or not, we are dependent on energy from foreign sources and this isn’t a good thing.

2. While nuclear energy is kind of scary, the alternative of not having enough energy is way more troublesome to me.

3. Alternative energy such as wind, geothermal and solar is very appealing, but I think there is more than enough room for nuclear power production. I’ve never heard anyone say “Jeez, we have too much electrical energy production” without saying “We’ll have to charge you less”.

4. I’d hate to see Mountain Home grow to a medium sized city but sometime progress or growth can be good.



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