Where was this photo taken???????? Hints: 30 acres but no mules. Has a course of course. Has French type products and at times, lots of kissing. Eichholz walked this land. Answer: Three people from Mountain Home knew where this picture
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Where was this photo taken???????? Hints: 30 acres but no mules. Has a course of course. Has French type products and at times, lots of kissing. Eichholz walked this land. Answer: Three people from Mountain Home knew where this picture
Read More"A moment’s insight is sometimes worth a life’s experience.” by Oliver Wendell Holmes To investigate, search and report news that interest the people living in and visiting Mountain Home and/or Elmore County. By reporting and posting news articles people,
Read More“Unshared experiences and unshared knowledge is as wrong as cattle rustlin. Both should be dealt with by a tall tree and a short rope” by Cowboy Gus McCrae My vision of what the Bondyweb.com website will become is rather
Read More"National borders aren’t even speed bumps on the information superhighway." by Tim May. The following is boilerplate “lawyer speak” stuff than outlines what happens to your information. But in short, I really have no interest in sharing your information with
Read MoreAbout Tim Bondy and the Bondyweb Website (Updated December 11, 2013) About the Bondweb.com websiteThanks for stopping by my little space on the web. My name is Tim Bondy and I created this site for a variety of reason but
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